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Sponsorship Opportunities

The DSC conference attracts driving simulation professionals from industry and commercial organizations as well as research and academic environments. The DSC is a well-known and well established international conference. With its 14 editions it has become the most important event for the driving simulation community in Europe.

In the last edition the DSC conference has attracted more than 200 participants from more than 90 research institutions and companies in 19 countries. The interest in our conference is continuously growing and we expect between 200 – 300 attendees for this edition. We have limited sponsorship opportunities available on a first-come, first-served basis.

All the sponsorship information are also avilable for download here.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event please contact us: exhibition@dsc2015.org


Platinum Sponsor

Cost: 9,000 € (already sold)

The platinum sponsorship package is the premier sponsorship package for the DSC 2015. The sponsor logo will be featured prominently on all conference materials, and the Platinum Sponsor will be referred to in all press releases and communication prior to the event. This is an excellent way to align your company closely with the DSC mission and ensure that your brand reaches tens of thousands of individuals prior to the event.

Benefits include:


Gold Sponsor

Cost: 5,000 € (one available)

The gold sponsorship package combines marketing and branding before the event and extensive exposure during the conference. Only one sponsorship is available at this level.

Benefits include:


Silver Sponsor

Cost: 3,000 € (five available)

The silver sponsorship package combines marketing and branding before the event and exposure during the conference. Five sponsorships at this level are available.

Benefits include:


Individual Sponsorship Packages

Descriptive paragraph in the conference program

Cost: 200 €
The sponsor provides the organizer with a short description (max 400 words) of their company profile, products, and services as well as high resolution logo.

E-mail promotion

Cost: 500 €
The sponsor’s logo will be included in the footer of e-mails which will be sent to the attendees in advance of the conference.

Full page advertisement in the conference program

Cost: 400 €
The sponsor provides the organizer with the camera-ready advertisement. Further details will be available upon registration.

Company promotional material in attendee pack

Cost: 900 €
The sponsor provides material (e.g. booklets, flyers, postcards, pens, give-aways, etc.).


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline

Abstract acceptance notification

Registration open

Paper submission deadline

Early bird exhibitors registration deadline

Final acceptance notification

Early bird conference registration deadline

Final paper due

Conference & Exhibition